Project Prompt: To design a carrot peeler for a specific user age group.
PROD T280 Intro to Product Design
User Research, User Validation, Form Ideation, CAD
How might we help parents cook while their kids peel?
Ideally, parents involve kids in cooking, but realistically, they’re a messy distraction. The Scrubby offers both cleanliness and connection.
Generative Family Insights
"Casen is very clingy. He tries to bother you when cooking."
Martin, Father
"Casen is always grabbing the spoon, and he runs around a lot."
Rizie, Mother
"My favorite colors are pink and red!"
Casen, Toddler
"I like cooking. I know how to cook egg."
Candace, Older Sister
Peeler Alternatives
Traditional peelers are dangerous and difficult for toddlers to hold. In substitution, aluminium, and sponges were used to remove carrot skins. This scrubbing method was the safest, easiest method of skin removal.
Form Ideation
Peelers with scrubbing mechanisms were conceptualized and presented to the family. The “stump peeler” form was chosen.
Imitation Peeler
Meant to look like a traditional “parent” peeler.
Carrot-Shaped Peeler
A more playful toy-like peeler.
Stump Peeler
A peeler with a contours and curves.
User Validation
The “stump peeler” was chosen for its contoured forms and easy grippability. However, its handle still needed to be lengthened.